After the storm...

Finally, after a summer break and a couple of game breaking bugs, i'm here with the new major update.
Dues the new mechanichs i had to rebuild most of the building actors and a couple of under the hood systems.

But let's see what's new:

- Dx12 added Nanite, i gave it a try and i wanna know if there are major differences respect the previous versionn.

  Dx11 doesn't support it.

- Buildings can be rebuilded, grab some stones and woods from the new area, and bring them to the mason master.

- A new tool added for that purpose.

- A visual and audio cue when taking damage, no more sudden deaths hopefully.

- Added some new ambiental sfx (all home made, it was pretty fun turning a water tap into a waterfall)

- Some minor tweaks at main character animations.

That's it? And why it took all that time?

Fair point.

The inventory system i was trying to build couldn't make it work, whenever i thought i finished some bugs came out, i lost a lot of time researching and testing 'till i decided to scrap and simplify it.

So what's next?

Npc's probably, the world need some life and i already started looking into it, but it probably would have delayed the update further ahead, so i'll let it out for the next update, hopefully it won't be that troublesom as this one.

Hope you'll like the additions i made and can give some more feedbacks about the resources gathering system.



TataFFF_0.3_Dx11 498 MB
Oct 02, 2023
TataFFF_0.3_Dx12 498 MB
Oct 02, 2023

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